Policy Development

Centre for Social Justice (CSJ)

Centre for Social Justice is a think tank that looks at putting social justice at the heart of British politics and make policy recommendations to tackle the root causes of poverty.

Our policy development work is based upon ensuring that we can secure best outcomes to those vulnerable communities that we support. Our pragmatic approach is embedded with close working relations and partnership working with the CSJ think tank on a number of areas pertinent to Single Mums, Lone parents and vulnerable young people. We are pleased to be able offer our expertise and recommendations to enhance the learning of CSJ as we feel we are one of many VCS organisations best placed to be able to provide an input on matters relating to preventing social breakdown, integration and cohesion and turning lives around of individuals who are at most risk.

All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG)

Neesie has a strong focus upon policy development and ensuring timely interventions can be supported though engagement with APPGs. Our focus is upon supporting the Families agenda particular in Early Years and parental engagement. Our aim is to use the vehicle of CSJ, provide relevant evidence on green paper consultations and subsequent submissions for production of white paper. We value the work of APPG as it allows for dialogue and discussion with Parliamentary groups, politicians, think tanks and academics.

Local Government Information Unit (LGiU)

LGiU is the largest independent local authority membership organisation in the country. They provide practical support to councils and local government helping them to serve their citizens more effectively.

Neesie is proud to associate affiliation with LGiU, by providing grassroot information and voice of third sector from the North. Our input has been to provide robust information and challenge on key issues affecting vulnerable communities from the North and how policy development from a local authority can have impact upon communities. Our aim is to champion the voice of the North for our cohort of service users and ensure understanding of decisions and taking into consideration through consultation or impact assessment